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  • 博多めんたい海苔(袋詰)
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Hakata Sea seaweed 10 bagging Available in the product I58Z14 normal temperature

Regular price $21.60 USD
Regular price Sale price $21.60 USD
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In the paripari seaweed of Kyushu Ariku, I sprinkled the grain of Hakata specialty of Hakata specialty. Even if there is a lot of rice, beer, you can be delighted to a wide range of years.

Description of item
I use Kyushu Ariku Nori.
I met the seaweed and spicy meatballs and the new taste.
Ideal for beer and sake snacks.
Internal capacity
10 out 20 pieces × 10 bagging
(For all two types)
expiry date
8 months from the date of manufacture
Raw material
Drain (Kyushu Ariku), Corn Oil, Succeeded Egg, Salt, Powder Mayonnaise-style Seafood (Vinegar, Delaxed Dick, Dextrin, Egg Yellow, Others), Pepper, Sugar, Lactose, Dumplings, Seasoning (Amino Acid etc) ), Coloring agency, coloring agent (niacin, nitrite Na)
(Including eggs, milk in part of raw materials)
Storage temperature
Save directly on direct sunlight and high temperature and humidity.

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